Dewey First supports Dewey Public Schools students, teachers, staff and administrators in numerous ways throughout the year.
Dewey First supports Tim and Kim Wardell serving as Church of God missionaries in Allen, South Dakota, among the Lakota people. They are mentoring the growing congregation of the Pass Creek Church into what it means to be a fully functioning, self-sustaining church with the vision that one day indigenous leadership will be at the helm of this church.
Dewey First supports Rhonda and Kelley are integral members of the Three Worlds team, working across the Europe and Middle East from a base in Cairo, Egypt. Rhonda and Kelley’s ministry continues to focus on anti-human trafficking efforts, particularly for women exiting sexual exploitation and sex-trafficking. From Cairo, they also support the work and ministry of the Church of God across the Middle East, as well as the greater region, encouraging pastors and leaders. They have a particular heart for mentoring current and emerging leaders in this region.
Dewey First supports the Pink Door in Germany which provides recovery and integration programs for women transitioning out of prostitution, sexual enslavement, or sexual exploitation.